Juca Máximo é considerado o quinto melhor artista do mundo pela Almost Real Things do Texas

abril 14, 2020by Press

Confira o Link: https://almostrealthings.com/2019/06/10/top-10-artists-to-watch-june-2019/

Issue 14: VIVID is out and it’s bolder than ever! It’s not bigger though, still the same pocket size, so we could only fit a select few contributors in our Artist Spotlight.

Therefore we’ve featured the rest of our most vivid submissions in this month’s Top 10 Artists to Watch!

This month we featured a range of visual artists that use a variety of methods to explore the vivid theme. You’ll see bright colors, strong application of materials and powerful subject matter.

Scroll through to learn more about the process and background of our Top 10 Artists to Watch!

Juca Maximo creates vivid portraits with the purpose of invoking emotions from viewers.

“My expressionist works of female iconography symbolize the feminine artistic essence of life and explore the spontaneity and drama of women in the world. I seek to bring a visual intensity and superb psychological drama and I try to reveal a timeless romantic perspective that passionately captures the excitement and visceral mystique. My works seek to encapsulate with passion and creativity a sensual and unique artistic vision with poignancy when radiating a poetic artistic point of view.

“I try to value the essence of the woman with her eternal visual symbolism that incorporates a timeless message while offering a powerful and sensitive narrative. I constantly seek to transmit the invisible within the visible of the female persona and take advantage of the essence of the emotional and physical experience of women with a deep sensitivity.”