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Juca Máximo

Artista Visual, Escultor, Designer e Ilustrador. Artista do ano 21/22 pelo Prestige Award em Londres, Eleito o 3º melhor ilustrador em 2018 pela Lurzer’s Archive, artista visual destaque em mais de 20 países, bronze no Canadá, Vencedor e Featured no Ello, Finalista no The Global Art Award, na China, Jackson’s JOPP 2018 em Londres, Hiiibrand Illustration 2017 na China, Vencedor do Gallery Award no Art Revolution Taipei 2021 em Taiwan, publicado no 200Best Illustrator Worldwide 18/19 da Lurzer’s Archive e criador da primeira divisória artística pintada a mão exposta na Biennale di Venezia of Archittecture 2021. ——————————————– Visual Artist, Sculptor, Designer and Illustrator. Artist of the year 21/22 for the Prestige Award in London, 3rd best illustrator in 2018 by Lurzer’s Archive, visual artist featured in more than 20 countries, bronze in Canada, Winner and Featured in Ello, Finalist at The Global Art Award 2020, Jackson’s JOPP 2018 in London, Hiiibrand Illustration 2017 in China, Winner Gallery Award in Art Revolution Taipei 2021 in Taiwan , published in the 200Best Illustrator Worldwide 18/19 of the Lurzer’s Archive and creator of the first hand-painted artistic partition exposed at The Venice Biennale of Archittecture 2021. ——————————————– 視覺藝術家、雕刻家、設計師和插畫家。 21/22 倫敦聲望獎年度藝術家,2018 年 Lurzer’s Archive 最佳插畫家第三名,視覺藝術家在 20 多個國家/地區展出,加拿大獲得銅牌,Ello 獲獎者和入選者,2020 年全球藝術獎入圍者,傑克遜 2018 倫敦 JOPP,中國 Hiiibrand 插圖 2017,台灣藝術革命台北 2021 畫廊獎,發表在 Lurzer’s Archive 的 200Best Illustrator Worldwide 18/19 和在威尼斯曝光的第一幅手繪藝術分區的創作者2021 建築雙年展。


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