Portal Australiano Minus37, publica matéria sobre o trabalho de Juca Máximo

janeiro 7, 2019by Press

Juca Máximo: Bold Femininity and Impasto Power

Juxtaposed Color and Form

Juca Máximo, a Brazilian portrait painter, uses brave and aggressive techniques to represent the elegant and beautiful. This unique and bold approach has granted him a place as one of the top Latin-American artists.

Juca Máximo began his artistic journey by illustrating for advertisements at age 16 and working as an art director since then. After falling in love with painting at 33, Juca began to connect with a truly inspired style during his experiments; “my trait turns out to be vigorous and I use too many ink marks with impasto. Being raised by 7 women, I have a passion for drawing and painting women.” Máximo is clearly rooted in his femininity-rich upbringing, and finds deep expression in the female form; his gorgeously gentle portraiture coexists perfectly with harsh lines, bold layering and opposing the use of color, making his pieces strangely harmonized and endearingly attractive.

Máximo has a keen process for his inspired female visuals; “I usually take a picture of a woman – I make a sketch and try to figure out what she is thinking, feeling or dreaming about.” He often works digitally to map out his musings on an iPad.

Máximo endeavors to disturb and fascinate viewers with his works. He wishes to draw from the personal experiences of the onlooker, rather than “dictating something” he focuses on evoking a feeling – “whatever it is”. His keenness to touch the emotion of the viewers seems intent on unsettling comfortable perception, making room for new thoughts to emerge in uncharted, fresh territory. Juca states that his home country may not place a high value upon art, however, he feels “free to express what I feel and desire for the world.” His gumption and drive to put his own, unapologetic mark upon the world shine through the deep visuals, juxtaposed shapes, and moody hues. A divine theme of femininity and power overarches Juca Máximo’s varied and beautiful portfolio, with his roots embedded deeply in his upbringing, and the women that raised him.
(Article written by Kate Smith)

Confira a matéria no link: https://minus37.com/2019/01/05/juca-maximo-brazilian-artist-and-illustrator/