Juca Máximo é Featured em Revista Californiana

agosto 1, 2018by Press

Confira no link: https://artistportfoliomagazine.blog/2018/08/01/juca-maximo-featured-artist/

Featured Artist
Juca Maximo – Fortaleza, Brazil

Plastic Artist, Art Director, Illustrator, Designer
and Musician. His work consists of various techniques:
oil painting, acrylic painting, watercolor,
engraving, ink, pencil, digital art,
clay sculpture and digital sculpture.

Known for his work in illustration and publicity,
he has gained a great deal of notoriety in the
artistic world, mainly abroad, being published in large
portals, magazines and winning prizes in international
art shows, illustration and drawing.

The artist can be defined as a
“contemporary expressionist”:
his work is dramatic, depicting
an explosion of strong feelings and colors.

His works usually consist of fine pencil
or pen traits, complete with vigorous
strokes and intense use of the impasto,
on which he implants shocks of color
and aggressiveness, contrasting with
the delicacy of his portraits.


05 | 2018 (Colors Portrait and Sensuality) “200Best Illustrator Worldwide 18/19” Lurzer`s Archive, Austria

12 | 2017 (Expressionism) Bronze in “Art Of Humanity” International Gallery of the Arts, Toronto – Canada

01 | 2018 (Love & Hate) 150 Best World in “Artist of the Year Award 2017” Circle Foundation of Arts, Lyon – France

04 | 2018 (Expressionism) Finalista in “Azucar Brings of Berlin” AzucarMag + Ello (Berlin)

04 | 2018 (Absences) Finalista in “Jackson’s JOPP 2018” Jackson’s Painting Prize, London – England



04 | 2018 “Ello.co Feature / Home/Art” (Portrait Colors), EUA

04 | 2018 “Ello.co Feature / Art” (Sensuality), EUA

03 | 2018 “Ello.co Feature” (Expressionism), EUA

03 | 2018 “Exquisite Arts Magazine” (Expressionism + portfolio + perfil), Toronto – Canadá

01 | 2018 “Archive Lürzer’s edição 1.18″ (Campanha Risque a Pele – Ink Load Creative Dock), Áustria

12 | 2017 “Archive Lürzer’s edição 6.17″ (Campanha – A vida deixa traços que nunca se apagam – Fé Menina Cosméticos), Áustria

12 | 2017 “Best Week – Best Ads on TV” (Campanha Risque a Pele – Ink Load Creative Dock)

12 | 2017 “Anuncio mais comentado do Mundo – Ads of The World” (Campanha Risque a Pele – Ink Load Creative Dock)

08 | 2017 “Top 1 do Mês de Agosto – Ads of The World” (Campanha Sem Conexão – 88 Music Boutique)


02 | 2018 “Ads of The World | Adeevee” (Campanha A rejeição dezumaniza – Nesa Nordeste)

02 | 2018 “Ads of The World | Adeevee | Best Ads on TV” (Campanha A gente nunca sabe a hora da crise 2)

01 | 2018 “Ads of The World | Best Ads on TV | Adeevee” (Campanha Ser Artista – Estação da Luz)

12 | 2017 “Ads of The World | Best Ads on TV | Adeevee” ( (Campanha Risque a Pele – Ink Load Creative Dock)

09 | 2017 “Ads of The World | Best Ads on TV | Adeevee” (Campanha A vida deixa traços que nunca se apagam – Fé Menina)

08 | 2017 “Ads of The World | Best Ads on TV | Adeevee” (Campanha Don’t horry, go play – 88 Music Boutique)

07 | 2017 “Ads of The World | Best Ads on TV” (Campanha Nunca se sabe a hora da crise – Otorrino Já)