Main Works
Artista visual, escultor, designer e ilustrador. Eleito Artista do Ano 2021/2022 pelo Prestige Award em Londres, considerado o 3º melhor ilustrador do mundo em 2018 pela Lürzer’s Archive, artista visual com destaque em mais de 20 países. Conquistou o bronze no Canadá, foi vencedor no Ello Awards, finalista no The Global Art Awards na China, no Jackson’s JOPP 2018 em Londres e no Hiiibrand Illustration em 2017 e 2019 na China. Vencedor do Gallery Award no Art Revolution Taipei 2021, em Taiwan, e publicado no 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 18/19 da Lürzer’s Archive. Criador da primeira divisória artística pintada à mão, exposta na Biennale di Venezia of Architecture 2021, e com obras exibidas nos imponentes telões do Madison Square Garden.
Visual artist, sculptor, designer, and illustrator. Named Artist of the Year 2021/2022 by the Prestige Award in London and ranked as the 3rd best illustrator in the world in 2018 by Lürzer’s Archive. A visual artist with recognition in over 20 countries, he won bronze in Canada, was a winner at the Ello Awards, and a finalist at The Global Art Awards in China, Jackson’s JOPP 2018 in London, and Hiiibrand Illustration in 2017 and 2019 in China. Winner of the Gallery Award at Art Revolution Taipei 2021 in Taiwan, and featured in 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 18/19 by Lürzer’s Archive. Creator of the first hand-painted artistic divider exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia of Architecture 2021 and with artworks displayed on the iconic screens of Madison Square Garden.
视觉艺术家、雕塑家、设计师和插画家。荣获伦敦Prestige Award评选的2021/2022年度艺术家,并被Lürzer’s Archive评为2018年全球第三佳插画家。这位视觉艺术家在20多个国家获得认可,曾在加拿大获得铜奖,在Ello Awards中获奖,并入围中国的The Global Art Awards、伦敦的Jackson’s JOPP 2018以及2017年和2019年的中国Hiiibrand Illustration。他还在台湾的Art Revolution Taipei 2021中荣获Gallery Award,并被收录于Lürzer’s Archive的《200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 18/19》。他是第一位创作手绘艺术隔断并展出于2021年威尼斯建筑双年展的艺术家,其作品还曾亮相于麦迪逊广场花园的大屏幕上。